Core Values
Our goal is for Jesus Christ to be exalted and our guide is the Bible, so we desire for our values to flow from our goal and our guide. We are inspired by and aspire to the traits of healthy churches in Acts 2:42-47; Acts 9:31; Romans 12:1-13 and 15:5-7.
Total Worship
Living 24/7 aware of God’s power, presence, and purpose through prayerful dependence on the Holy Spirit.
Creative Teamwork
Built around honest friendships and following Jesus Christ together, we encourage one another to use our gifts and abilities for God’s glory.
Sacrificial Love
Jesus laid down his life for us; therefore, with thankful hearts we want to serve others and give generously.
Abundant Grace
We want to be a welcoming and refreshing community offering to all the grace that God has already lavished on us.
Courageous Faith
We will boldly trust God to do great things and expect him to stretch us beyond our comfort zone.
Growing Together
The path of Christian discipleship involves a community; we need each other and enjoy one another.